ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving San Bernardino, Rancho Cucacomnga, & Surrounding Areas

San Bernadino Crime Map And Statistics

You could think your surrounding area is secure, but how will your community compare with the greater city? Look at our San Bernadino crime map and figure out where there’s an accumulation of numbers of reported incidents. Then take a quick look at some tips to make your house and street more safe and sound.

San Bernadino Crime Map

The San Bernadino Crime Map gives a heat map of reported incidents in your community. Darker squares indicate a greater concentration of events in relation to the greater city limits. To zoom out, use the +. Zoom in to a specific street by using the -.

5 Ways To Help Make Your Street Safer

Even though transgressions will always occur, there's a few easy things you can do about neighborhood safety. Check out these five easy guidelines to keep your block safe, secure, and inviting.

Know your community: The more you know your neighbors, the simpler it will be to protect one another. Many blocks in San Bernadino have even formed a coordinated neighborhood watch.

Invest in a security system: If a burglar sets off an alarm system, it should stop them from lurking around that same community for a while. Your security cameras may also spot people running through your yard when fleeing from your neighbor's house.

Keep items hidden in your car: Forgetting your billfold, laptop, or smartphone in plain sight can instigate a vehicular break-in. If you can, bring in your valuables or store them out of sight under the seat or trunk.

Hang motion lights: Light is a burglar’s worst fear. By hanging motion-activated lights over shadowed areas or a back door, you might scare off an intrusion before it starts.

Alert neighbors to when you’re out of town: Let a neighbor know when you’re going on vacation, and give them a key or door lock code to check-in periodically. Although, keep your vacation plans off public social media sites if at all possible.

Let Secure24 Alarm Systems Help Your Family Stay Safe And Efficient

When you want a home security system to help keep your home safe from break-ins, fire, or other emergencies, call Secure24 Alarm Systems. We'll walk through your home security and automation components and can help you pick the perfect system for your needs. Just call (909) 247-3368 or fill out the form below.